Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Blog Number Two: New Jamies and High School (February 2nd, 2011)

Well...here I am again to right another blog. Blog number two. :) So far I'm off to a good start with this whole blogging thing I suppose. I even recruited my best friend to write one too. I think it'll work out great. She's moving soon to a new state so I thought what a better way to know how each others day went then to read all about it from start to finish. With that, I'll start my day off for you to read...

Let's see. I guess I should start from where I left off considering I posted before my day was officially over yesterday. After posting I made my way downstairs to enjoy a FABULOUS dinner of chicken cordon blue and homemade mashes potatoes (two of my favorites :)) which my mom so kindly made as a "birthday dinner" for me. :) It was soooo good. It's funny how something as small as a home cooked meal from mom and a little family time can make things seem so much better. After my wonderful dinner I did a little research with my grandma for a hope chest, which she is determined to get for me (and I can't wait for). :) I found one I liked but I think I'll do a little more research before making a final decision. Then around the corner came my oh so amazing mom with a birthday cake complete with candles and frosting flowers. Cake was delicious of course. :) Then a little later after my grandparents had left I got another surprise. A present!! My mom got me a new pair of Victoria Secret jamies which I have wanted for so long and a Princess wall decor (idk what to call it so we'll go with that) which is bright pink...my favorite of course. :) After that I went straight to bed for the night in my new awesome jamies and slept (get this...) a full 7 and a half hours. :)

Me In My Oh So Awesome Jamies :)
Me In A Birthday Cake Hat In the Mall on Sunday :)

My Princess "wall decor" thing which I love :)

Getting on with today...it was a pretty typical day I suppose. Besides the fact that I did get to tour my upcoming high school. It was sooo much fun and super exciting. I can't wait to get there. :) It seems like a really opportunistic and rewarding place. I also got the final details on the Beta Club trip which I will be taking in Greensboro on Monday and Tuesday. I ended up getting put up in the poster competition which I didn't sign up for but still hope to do good and place in. This will be my last Beta Trip in middle school so I plan to make the best of it. :) Trying to put together weekend plans. Already?? I know it's only Tuesday. Anyway, (cross my fingers) the plan is to hopefully spend the night at either at my house or my best frann's house with her and one of other friends. Then maybe we'll be off to a movie...I'm thinking Roommate maybe?? Idk. Then Saturday is her cheer competition which I will be off to see and then just getting everything ready for the trip. I'll be leaving at about 5 Monday morning so I'll have to get everything together this week. Other than that...nothing too terribly exciting for the day. No updates on my little thief story yet. I'll post about it as soon I know something. Tomorrow will hopefully be as good a day as today. I hope your day was as good or even better than mine was.

Happy and Smiling Face,
LeeAnn :)

My "Before School" picture that didn't come out all that well due to the fact that I was taking it at the same time I was running out the door. :P

PS...I think Groundhog Day might be tomorrow!! Maybe I'll have a picture of that too!! ;)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog One: Birthdays and Thiefs (January 31st, 2011)

Let me just start out by saying...I've never really "blogged" before. So if you're reading this you probably know nothing about me and are a little on the confused side. I'll tell  you a little about me before I move on. My name's LeeAnn. I'm 14 years old. I love the color pink and books by Nicholas Sparks. I'm in love with caramel frappuccinos (spelling??) from Starbucks and adore the song Little House by Amanda Seyfried right now. I've been blessed to grow up in a environment that was always supportive and loving. I have the best family in the world. I could never ask for more. :) I also have the greatest best friend a girl could EVER ask for. She's the greatest thing I know. We're like family. :) I'm originally from Syracuse, New York but currently live in Eastern North Carolina (about an hour from Atlantic Beach). My birthday is January 31st (today :)). I have a little sister who is six years younger than me. I plan to become a neonatologist. :) Anyway...I know that was more than a little but you get the idea right??

Moving on...you're probably wondering why I decided to blog today. Well to be honest, I have a story to tell. My best friend is cheering until 7 tonight and my grandparents are visiting for the day so my mom's not really open. I'll try and keep this as short as possible. Let's see...well I guess I can start off by telling you the result and then the details. Basically, while I was at school today, minding my own business and putting stuff away in my locker a group of "kids" on my team stole $45 dollars from my purse. The first question everybody asks is how did it happen, so I will tell you as best I can. I should probably tell you that I bring 3 bags to school with me everyday, my book bag (which is a tote), my purse and my lunchbox. I carry all 3 of them around with me through out the day. When I take locker/bathroom breaks and get ready to switch classes I leave my book bag in my seat and my purse and lunchbox and on top. I guess that was my first mistake. Typically there's a teacher in the room at all times so I usually don't worry about leaving my stuff. I suppose that was mistake number two. There was no teacher in the room today. Anyway, at the end of my last "core" class I went to my locker, leaving my bags on my desk as usual. I got my jacket out, put my binder away and went back to the room. While walking into the room I noticed a group of "kids" from one of the classes across the hall gathered around the door and my general area really. Although they were on my team I didn't know names. I went off to my next class noticing nothing different. When I got there I got called down to the office where the lady at the front desk asked me if i lost something today. I answered all her questions as politely as possible, proved the wallet was mine and went to leave. Walking out the door I opened up my wallet and saw all my cash was gone. I turned around and she told me my last period teacher had brought it up there and I should talk to her. I couldn't find her either. So then I was sent off to Officer C's office. He went through the series of questions I told him exactly what happened and he scribbled all out on his little notepad. He told me it was going to be extremely hard to get it back but he would take to Mr.J (assistant principle) about it and do what he could. So basically he said...sorry kid, I'll look around but there's really no hope. Thanks a million mister. I went back to class checked my purse and realized this group of "kids" stole nothing but my money. They didn't bother to steal my phone or camera. Thank God for that. I guess the point of sharing this story was for me to say that I have lost hope in salvation for the world. People have no respect these days for anyone or anything. They view the world by simply thinking "what can I get out of it?". I had respect for these people and they took and threw it in the garbage. It makes me so sad to know that there is people in this world that don't have what I have and don't know what I know. That people as a whole have lost hope. Someday I hope it comes back for them and they realize what they did was wrong. Without hope there is nothing. So I will not lose hope towards overall redemption of things such as common sense and self-respect. If you don't have respect for yourself, you can't have respect for others. So with that, I will finish on a positive note by saying that today is my birthday and I'm determined to make the best of what I have left. Hopefully everything will go well and things will turn out as they should. My dad will go in tomorrow and raise "heck" and set things straight as he always does. I love that man by the way. I can always count on him. 

I hope everyone else is having a little better day than I am. Wish me luck. More blogs to follow  and updates on my story.

Upset but Hopeful,